Controversy Over Food Poisoning at El Japonez

A recent incident at El Japonez in Artz Pedregal left three diners with food poisoning symptoms after consuming tuna cake. The situation raised concerns about food safety practices in the restaurant industry. Medical experts suggest analyzing food handling procedures and the conditions in which fish is stored.

Controversy Over Food Poisoning at El Japonez

The case of food poisoning at the Japanese restaurant Artz Pedregal has raised concern. It is an establishment with an extensive menu that includes specialties such as sushi cake with various fish options and spicy sauce, as well as main dishes like mustard tuna or Black cod with miso. The menu features a wide range of prices, with dishes ranging from 155 to 2365 pesos.

Businesswoman Gina Diez Barroso fainted after consuming sushi at a previous restaurant, and recently experienced a similar situation at Artz Pedregal. The incident was reported by commentator Juan Pablo Fernández, who mentioned that some people were poisoned after eating tuna at the location, showing symptoms such as redness, headache, and difficulty swallowing. According to chef Núñez, this type of poisoning may be related to elevated levels of histamines in poorly preserved fish.

The controversy surrounding this incident has led to debates about food safety and the importance of proper refrigeration of products. Doctors warn about the risks of fish poisoning, particularly from scombroid fish, which can cause symptoms like skin redness, itching, nausea, and vomiting.

The restaurant El Japonez, known for its Japanese fusion, has several branches in Mexico City. Despite the controversy, the Artz Pedregal branch has received good ratings and is noted for its innovative culinary proposal. The incident has sparked diverse reactions, including comments from other renowned chefs like Édgar Núñez, who emphasizes the importance of thoroughly investigating the causes of the poisoning that occurred at the location.